Pamoja Education is committed to providing an inclusive educational approach where all students can succeed in education, regardless of background or ability. Our online learning community provides an ideal learning environment where students can work through lessons and assignments at their own pace within their weekly schedule. They are also free to access all course materials and contribute to class discussions on their terms, free from traditional classroom pressures.
At Pamoja we work hard to ensure that we are inclusive of all students and their needs. For us to do this, we ask that schools provide us with any appropriate information outlining the specific needs of students or, as applicable, share Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Any additional documentation that helps our understanding is greatly appreciated.
Inclusive Assessment Arrangements:
Should a student require inclusive assessment arrangements for the formal International Baccalaureate (IB) assessments, it is the school’s responsibility to contact the IB following the procedures as outlined in the IB Access and Inclusion Policy
Inclusive Assessment Arrangements - Pamoja Internal Examinations
Pamoja sends our End of Year (EoY) and Trial examinations to students’ SBCs which are then proctored within their school. It is the responsibility of SBCs to provide the papers to the students. It is also the responsibility of the SBC to apply any applicable access arrangements in accordance with the IB Access and Inclusion Policy
We then expect these examinations to be conducted under the strict exam conditions as outlined by the International Baccalaureate Organisation.
Accommodations for students with SEND/Access Requirements - Assignment deadlines
Students requiring additional time must plan accordingly and submit their work by the original deadline. This policy also applies to Internal Assessments and Projects, for example in Film, where IB guidelines indicate the period allowed for assessments, for example, a maximum of 30 days.
Granting requests for additional time violates IB procedures and invalidates assessments. However, there is no time limit placed on pieces of work so students can spend as much time as needed on assignments prior to the deadline. It is crucial for students to plan accordingly when approaching assignments. To ensure they are successful in meeting deadlines, we suggest that SBCs encourage their students to discuss a plan of action with their Pamoja teacher to guarantee adequate support is in place.
Other accommodations
Pamoja Education carefully considers as many accommodations as possible when building our courses. Our online lessons are delivered via Zoom and are recorded to allow for repeated and asynchronous viewing, complete with automatically generated transcripts. To enhance accessibility, students can also enable or disable captions during live Zoom sessions. Lessons are divided into manageable sections to allow for focused learning. Upon receiving details of any students with SEND, the Pamoja academic team and teachers will review any needs and put careful consideration into how we can support the learning process of that student, with the goal to create the best learning experience for every student.
If you would like any further information on how we can support specific students, please contact: