Students are placed on Academic Review when marked 'Not Engaged' for two consecutive reporting periods.
Depending upon set criteria on whether a student is accessing and interacting with course content and activities, students are identified as Engaged (E), Insufficiently Engaged (IE) and Not-Engaged (NE). Using these criteria, the Academic Review process is designed to identify, implement and if necessary escalate strategies to support disengaged students.
Teachers report a student’s Engagement Rating (ER) eight times during Year 1 and five times during Year 2 of the course.
Identification of Students to be placed on Academic Review
The following procedures are scheduled to identify students in need of Academic Review.
- Engagement is monitored through Pamoja's platform, using the key parameters of student submissions.
- The Pamoja School Services team will alert teachers and SBCs when a student has been identified as Not Engaged.
- Any student reported as Not Engaged for two consecutive reporting periods will be placed on Academic Review. Any DP2 student reported as Not Engaged for the Term 5 Engagement Rating will be placed on Academic Review.
The School Services and Academic teams will participate in the support strategies for students on Academic Review, depending upon the circumstances.
Actions by School Services for Students on Academic Review
School Services will proactively identify students who have been flagged as NE for two reporting periods. Subsequently, students and SBCs will receive timely email notifications regarding the student's placement on academic review. Furthermore, there will be a request for a call to facilitate discussions on each reported student, with the presence of both the School Services representative and the Academic Operations Manager.