The IB Diploma, IB Diploma Programme Results and DP Course Results are sent to schools in September/March. These documents constitute the official results. Results certification will only show what a candidate achieves. Certification will not display subjects with a “grade” of “N” or display that a candidate has not completed CAS.
If a candidate’s CAS status has been left as pending, the IB will subsequently change the status to “not completed”. This ensures that the candidate is awarded a DP Course Results document in the meantime. A coordinator will have up to one year to update the CAS status to “completed”. Please refer to section D9.2 Regulations : D9.2.1 May and November 2024 (attached).
Results certification will always display the school where the candidate took their final examinations. When a candidate has retaken subjects at a school that is different from the school at which they took their original examinations, the certificate will display the name of the retake school, not the original school.
IB Diploma Programme Results and/or DP Course Results requiring legalization will be sent separately by the legalization service in Cardiff as soon as the legalization process is finished.
If an anticipated, diploma or retake candidate takes an additional subject, that candidate will receive a separate DP Course Results showing the subject(s) taken and grade(s) awarded. For anticipated candidates who do not complete the diploma, DP Course Results will be sent with the above mailing.
For candidates who attend an IB World School in the United Kingdom, two sets of documents are issued: one set will have the logo of each accreditation body and the registered Ofqual qualification number; the second set will be issued without these logos. Similarly, candidates attending an IB World School in the state of Victoria, Australia, will have one set with the Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority (VRQA) logo and another set without this logo. The IB is complying with a requirement to provide certification with these logos.
It is important to be aware that the IB prints only the legal name of a school on a candidate’s results documents, though universities and other institutions may not be familiar with the legal name.
The candidate name displayed on the official IB certification is printed in exactly the same format as registered on IBIS. Therefore, please ensure the candidate’s name on the IBIS “Registration” screen has the correct spelling and full name as per the candidate’s passport/birth certificate.
Source: Diploma Programme Assessment Procedures (2024) Last update 13/11/2023