- Internal Oral Assessment (IOA) Components
Internal Oral Assessment: 25%.
The IOA will be internally assessed by the teacher. Criteria marks and teacher marking comments will be submitted to the IB. A sample of IOAs will then be externally moderated by the IB.
If your student has accommodations that will be applied to their IOA, please ensure that these have been approved by the IB and shared with School Services via courses@pamojaeducation.com.
- Individual Oral Assessment Details
Approximately 40 minutes
The individual oral must be scheduled during the final year of the course.
It will consist of one recorded conference per student:
- Supervised preparation (15 minutes): the student receives two visual stimuli, each relating to a different theme from the course, and selects one of the images. The student prepares a presentation on this and can make brief notes using bullet points.
- Part one (approximately 3-4 minutes): the student describes the visual stimulus and relates it to the relevant theme.
- Part two (approximately 4-5 minutes): follow-up discussion between teacher and student expanding on the information provided in the presentation. All related to the same theme.
- Part three (approximately 5-6 minutes): a general conversation between the teacher and student on at least one additional theme taken from the five themes around which the course is based.
The individual oral must be a spontaneous conversation and it must not be rehearsed.
- Individual Oral Assessment Procedure
Important Note - The individual oral assessment must follow strict IB regulations and Pamoja asks the SBC or another member of school staff to proctor the exam.
- The Internal Assessments will be conducted during Pamoja Weeks 51-54 (3rd July – 30th July 2024). Students must sign-up as usual for oral sessions, as directed by their teacher via the Calendly booking link provided by each course teacher through Managebac.
Students have until 25th June 2024 to sign up. If none of the possible times are suitable, the student should contact the teacher ASAP to ask to make other arrangements.
Teachers will set the conference in the Managebac platform (Zoom) for each student. The appointment will appear in the student’s Managebac Calendar before the exam. If using school-managed computers, SBCs should check that there are no restrictions on accessing the Zoom software. If required, this must be checked with IT support in advance of the IOA.
On the day of the assessment, connect to Zoom Conference IOA OFFICIAL five minutes before the assigned time. Both the student and SBC/school teacher (exam proctor) must be present during the entire assessment.
- SBCs are responsible for ensuring examination conditions are met. The exam proctor should sit near the student where their hands and screen content are visible. Provide the students with a headset, a microphone, a pen with some blank paper. Make sure the location being used for the assessment is quiet to ensure a good quality recording.
- Video must be turned on throughout the assessment for the students.
- Detail on the Individual Oral Assessment
At the beginning of the exam, students will be asked to say a disclaimer, authorizing their recording to be shared for assessment purposes- please make sure students know their candidate number. We recommend printing this disclaimer out for the student to read:
I “candidate 123abc” confirm that I am aware that this session is being recorded and that I give permission for this to be stored, transmitted, and used for the purposes of assessment as needed for me to fulfil my requirements of the course.
For the IOA Preparation time (15 minutes)
- Students should only have blank paper and a pen. Notes, dictionaries, books, online translators, websites, or any other devices or material are not allowed.
- The student will be shown two pictures and should select one to describe.
- The student must not type or navigate away from the picture selected and shared by their Pamoja teacher during the exam.
- The 15 minutes should be used to take brief manually written notes on what will be said about the picture (reminder- brief notes up to a maximum of 10 bullet points). These notes should be used as reference only and should not be read aloud during the recording.
- When the 15 minutes’ preparation is up, the teacher will prompt the student to start the description of their chosen picture.
- The student has 3-4 minutes to describe and provide an analysis of the picture.
- The teacher will then ask questions about the picture and related theme for about 4-5 minutes.
- The teacher will then move onto a general conversation for 5-6 minutes on at least one other theme.
- IOA questions are designed in such a way that the student must use different verb tenses, in particular present, past, future, present progressive, conditional etc.
- The student must make sure to answer to the best of his/her ability in complete sentences and always justify his/her answers by demonstrating their speaking skills in the language.
- The Pamoja teacher may ask the student to hold up their notes so that they can be checked, and will take a screenshot of them.
To end the recording, the teacher will tell the student that they have finished!
- The SBC should scan and email the student’s bullet point notes to their Pamoja teacher within 24 hours of the exam taking place.
See instructions on how to find a Pamoja teacher’s email address: https://help.pamojaeducation.com/hc/en-us/articles/4414446900493-SBC-Support-Finding-a-Teacher-s-Email-Address