Throughout your Pamoja Online Course, you and your course peers will have opportunities to join Online Lessons delivered by your class Teacher.
Online Lessons are timetabled in your Calendar, your Pamoja Teacher may also send a direct message via KeyChat to inform you of an Online Lesson Event. It will be your responsibility to check your Calendar regularly for all events.
There are two types of Online Lessons:
- Group Online Lessons
- 1:1 Online Lessons
All Online Lessons are delivered via Zoom and you will need to install Zoom onto your device to join Online Lessons.
On your Student Home Page you will see your Calendar and Online Lesson windows. If there are no scheduled Online Lessons for that day, it will look like this -
If there is an upcoming Online Lesson scheduled, it will appear in the Online Lessons window. You can click on the "Join" button just before it is time for that Online Lesson to start -
Alternatively, you can go to your Calendar and click the information (i) icon displayed on the Online Lesson Calendar Event -

The Zoom link will be accessible from the Online Lesson event, as shown below:
This opens the Calendar Event where you will see the blue Zoom button. Click on the blue Zoom button to take you to the "Launch Meeting" area.
Selecting the provided link you will be redirected to Zoom:

1. Launch Meeting - At the time of the Online Lesson select Launch Meeting to join the session.
2. Download Now - If you do not have Zoom downloaded on your device, please select the download option ahead of the scheduled lesson.
Group Online Lessons are recorded and will remain accessible for the duration of your Pamoja Online Course. Access to lesson recordings ensures you do not miss valuable course content if you are unable to attend the live event. To access lesson recordings return to the Calendar Event and click the event tile, the recording will appear as an attachment:
Please note you do not need a Meeting ID or Password when watching a lesson recording.