Film equipment: A student does not have to purchase an expensive camera for the online Film SL course, although some cameras will allow the user to have more lens options (zoom/wide, aperture, shutter speed, depth of field).
One camera our Head of Film recommends is a DSLR (Canon Rebel T3i-T7i)) or a mirror-less (Sony a5000, a6000) camera, with other equipment/software such as Rode Videomic, Zoom H1n, Adobe Creative Cloud (Premier).
We recommend using a camera that has a zoom/wide function, an external microphone, and SD storage. With this type of setup the student will be able to do most of the shooting using hand-held shots or placing the camera on a stable surface. You can purchase cheaper tripods (for US$10-20) that will last for the entire two-year class period.
Although cameras would be ideal, some cell phones could possibly work. The i7-i12, S9-S21, and Pixel 2-4 models all have capabilities to create some noteworthy footage. Phones also have internal microphones that could be used to capture sound, although they are not the most ideal of equipment.
Editing footage: we recommend Adobe Creative Cloud (Premier), Final Cut X (Mac) or Sony Vegas. You can shop around for less expensive options but some of those programmes will limit the student in his/her ability to make artistic choices in the editing field (iMovie, Windows Movie Maker). Some free editing software options could be HitFilm and DiVinci Resolve. Both are quality non-linear editing programs that can provide students the creative tools to be successful in the course. Either of these two free programmes would be preferred over iMovie or Windows Movie Maker.
Recording tasks: There will be some sound recording tasks in the online course that will require a student to capture audio recordings. Students can record sound into a computer using programmes such as Audacity (a free programme) or Audition (Adobe CC) and a simple microphone that plugs into the computer (USB or 3.5mm). Two additional options are to use a portable digital recording device (H1n) or a cell phone combined with its microphone and an appropriate application.
Other items to purchase could include: cables to connect all equipment together (sound cable, USB, card reader, applications)
To have the most options for artistry (which will help in the IB assessments), a student can get a kit appropriate for the film course for $200-$600 depending on already acquired equipment (like a cell phone, microphone, or camera). That said, some students have been very successful using their phone while employing creativity and ingenuity with found items available around the home. Success is not determined by having the best equipment, but how a student uses their equipment and resources in a creative and effective way while meeting the IB standards.