The idea to compress images in your Word or PowerPoint, is to allow you to store more files in your personal online data storage as well as in your limited class online storage in Canvas.
If you have a document with full of high resolution images, it is a good idea to compress the files first before uploading it to Canvas.
To do this, please follow these steps below:
For Word or PowerPoint in Mac
1. Click on File > Reduce File Size...
2. Select Picture Quality to 96 ppi
3. Tick Delete cropped areas of pictures
4. Click on OK
5. Save your document
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For Word or PowerPoint in Windows
1. Click on Save As > Browse
2. Click on Tools > Compress Pictures...
3. Tick Delete cropped areas of pictures
4. Use the Resolution: E-mail (96ppi)
5. And click on OK
6. Save your document